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(1 edit)

This looks sick!!! Are there any community copies left for me to demo while I save up for a physical copy?


Hi Tim, I tried messaging you on twitter but I can’t because I’m not verified (thanks a lot Elon!)

I recently received my ‘Hoss’ shipment, and I noticed that ‘The House Always Wins’ is an add on - I hadn’t realised it had shipped.

I purchased it on itch when it was still funding and paid for a physical copy which I have not yet received. Please could you advise how I can go about contacting whoever I need to contact to get my copy?
Many thanks,


Deleted 1 year ago

Yep! These were all shipped in October

Deleted 1 year ago

If you could DM me on Twitter

or Facebook
We'll get it figured out

Deleted 1 year ago

I do not want to share that here. You could message me via Gamefound- that way I can find your information.


Have orders been sent yet? I got an email on 10/20 saying my order is on the way, but it's still in pre-shipment for USPS according to the tracking number. I'm guessing that just labels were created and shipment hasn't actually started?

Let me investigate this. I'll DM you if I need any more info from you. Thanks!

@Tim, Did you find anything out? Still haven't gotten anything.

I have also experienced this and came here to see if there was an update. Thank you!

I also sent an email the other day to about the shipment and still no word.

They are best reached through Twitter usually. Last I heard, they were looking at this week

I'm actually having trouble finding you. Could you DM me on Twitter ( or Facebook (

Deleted 2 years ago

Yes, thanks.

(1 edit)

Hi Tim, any canche for Late Pledge to get Physical copy of Hose Always Wins?, Thanks

Should be available at Exalted Funeral and Floating Chair soon.

Right this instant, only available at Spear Witch:


I'm late to the party apparently. Please let me know how I can get a part of this awesomeness!


Game found preorders coming soon!

Here you go!

Awesome thank you so much!


I thought that I had backed this and apparently it slipped through the cracks (honestly so many amazing looking Mothership projects out there right now it’s hard to keep track!), is there going to be any option for late backers?

There will be something through Gamefound in the next couple weeks. I'll try to remember to post link here for you


Thank you so much!

Link here:


I missed it as well and would love to be notified!

And for you!


Same here, would love to be notified!

And a notification for you!

Here you go!

Thank you so much!

@Tim - I didn't think I had backed(I somehow missed the "You own this zine") and so I ended up backing a second time. I backed at the THAW level both times. If I could, I guess it might be easier if I just get upgraded to Super Sponsor. I could Paypal you the additional $25. I backed the Burning of Carbex KS, so I've got the PDF already and a having the physical version would be pretty cool.

That works for me, in general, DMing me on Twitter @timmy1990may works best or through my facebook page:

If that doesn't work let me know

Very excited about this! Looks like I did the same thing as someone above -- I clicked PDF and changed the price to $15 there. I'm sure it'll get sorted out...sorry about that.

Deleted 3 years ago

Backed, this looks awesome and I hope you get all your stretchgoals!

Thanks for your support! That would be great to make them all

Hi Tim! Looks like a great project! I clicked on the PDF only button because that was at the top of the page. Then I saw the other options at the bottom of the page. I'd like to upgrade to the Print/PDF version but I can't see anyway to do that except buying again at that level. Any other options?

Not seeing any way to do that on itch, unfortunately! DM me on Twitter and you could send me $6 through Paypal?


You know, I'll just support it twice! It's a worthy cause!


Thanks a bunch! I can put your first pledge against your shipping costs if that's okay?

If it's not too much extra work for you, sure. Thanks.